Postoperative Physiotherapy

Published November 24, 2016 in Uncategorized

Many children with cerebral palsy do what is called “toe walking” which affects their stability when walking and an operation called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) has been developed to overcome this problem.  After an  SDR Operation, extensive physiotherapy is essential. Parents often raise large sums of money to pay for SDR.


Having then to face the extra costs of private physio to supplement the NHS limited service is hard. Though parents are taught how to provide physio at home they find it needs to be supplemented by private physiotherapy which is very expensive. As one mother said

“after the operation she needs a daily extensive physio routine, but from the NHS its only once a fortnight so the daily sessions are done by us at home. So we also have private therapy once or twice a week at great cost. Having been told she would never walk, she has since improved and had taken her first 8 steps using tripod canes,”

We have agreed to help towards these costs for children with cerebral palsy who live in our patch and recently helped another little girl.

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