Cream Tea & AGM 2012
This year’s AGM is on 21st july 2012 at Littleton Village hall. Our guest speaker will be Kimberley Dixon from the orginisation DisabledGo. You’re welcome to come along – refreshments will be served 2 to 4 pm.
This is your chance to hear what we have been up to over the past year under the guidance of our new Chairman, Jez Holder, and to help re-elect our committee and approve our Annual Report.
Above all, we want it to be a social day – a chance to chat over your cream tea or cool drink, with ice-creams for the children to enjoy while having fun with a few games.The formalities of our AGM will be squeezed in and dealt with quickly and painlessly – you’ll hardly notice!
We do hope you can come. If you can, please let us know by either phoning Shirley on 01962 880734 or e-mail us by clicking here (you will be taken to our contact form) – after all, we want to be sure we don’t run out of strawberries & scones or even ice-cream!
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