Lightweight Wheelchair Appeal
In May an appeal by NewLife appeared in the Hampshire Chronicle. They were wanting to raise £3,000 towards the cost of a lightweight wheelchair for this little schoolgirl whose walking aid was a possible hazard for other children at St Peter’s School. She therefore needed a lightweight wheelchair.
As the family live within our catchment area of Winchester & North Eastleigh, we offered a donation and also made contact with the family. Happily Newlife succeeded in raising almost the entire amount and we topped up the gap.
As we had told the family we would commit our top payment, which is £750 per year, we were able to offer them the balance to pay for expensive physiotherapy which is necessary after their daughter had undergone SDR Surgery in the United States . When these children return home, intensive therapy needs to be continued but the NHS can only offer a limited service, also teaching parents what to do at home. To maintain the improvements as a result of the operation and intensive physio, parents have therefore found it necessary to use private physiotherapy which is very costly.
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