Rodeo 14.8 Lightweight Wheelchair

Published December 3, 2015 in Uncategorized

In September we once again learned of yet another mother struggling with loading her daughter’s heavy wheelchair in and out of her car. Her Paediatric Occupational Therapist approached us and we were happy to donate towards the cost.

In mother’s letter of thanks she said she had resorted to buying lighter pushchairs (she had had 3 already) which failed to give her little daughter enough support. With her little girl’s complex needs, this mother felt local services had not provided a suitable supportive wheelchair and now the little one has had scoliosis diagnosed. Our assistance was therefore much appreciated. .

She concluded that “without the compassion and promptness of charities such as yours, we would have been in turmoil. The new wheelchair is great giving her spinal support . Her daughter loves it.”

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